Welcoming Ministry
Welcoming Ministers are responsible for greeting everyone who comes to our parish liturgies as they come into the Church. If you are a person who enjoys meeting and talking to people, we invite you to use your gifts as one of our Welcoming Ministers. To volunteer please contact the rectory office.
Altar Society
The Altar Society invokes the patronage of the Blessed Virgin Mary and derives spiritual strength through praying the Rosary. The mission of the Altar Society is to honor the Blessed Virgin Mary by providing for the needs of the Sanctuary where her Son lives in the Tabernacle and the Mass is celebrated. The Altar Society assures that the Sanctuary is furnished with linens, proper vestments, and reflects the beauty of the liturgical seasons.
The Altar Society participates in activities that strengthen spirituality and fellowship among members and they occasionally host fundraisers to support the needs of the parish.
Membership is open to all adult women in good standing in the Church. Monthly meetings are held on the Thursday following the first Sunday of the month. Members are encouraged to celebrate Mass together as a group once a month (first Sunday of each month) and are asked to come early on that Sunday so they may pray the Rosary.
For further information about the Altar Society, or to become a member, contact Patricia Gulino at 724-437-8356.
Ministry of Consolation
The Vigil Service, known to many as the “wake service”, is usually celebrated the day before the Funeral Mass at the funeral home during the hours of visitation. It consists of a number of prayer texts, scripture readings, and intercessions. Members of this ministry gather to celebrate this service with the family of the deceased.
The Funeral Mass: Practicing Catholics are invited to share in several ministries within the Funeral Mass. Altar servers assist the priest during the Mass and lay ministers can assist with readings and communion distribution if needed. Music is an essential part of the Eucharistic celebration. If you would like to lend your voice in prayer and song for the Funeral Liturgy, contact our Music Director.