Our parish offertory has significantly decreased, but was still greatly assisted by online giving and envelopes delivered to the parish office, along with a successful Diocesan Lenten Appeal. Our parish and particularly our societies suffered from the loss of fundraising monies. Holy Week activities, a Christian Mothers 60th anniversary, faith formation and flea market had to be cancelled with plans to reschedule. Our homebound and hospital ministries are still temporarily suspended.
I do want to call your attention to our new Ministries. A Vocation Ministry was established to develop a greater awareness of all vocations among parishioners. Members meet monthly to discuss and plan various events. A new Video Ministry was established to assist in our streaming Masses. Both of these new ministries encompass all four Parishes in Uniontown. Some of our future Ministries for our parish and Catholic Community include: Bereavement Ministry, Art and Environment Ministry, Graduate Ministry, New Family Ministry, Prayer Chain Ministry, Senior Update Ministry, Social Ministry, and Library Ministry. You can continue to make a commitment online or by sending donations directly to the parish via U.S. Mail or by visiting our website for online offertory Here.