Home » St. Joseph » Candle Memorials – St. Joseph

The Candle Memorial Requests offer parishioners to have a candle burning for the week (Saturday to Friday) in memory of a loved one. In addition, it can be for a special intention or in thanksgiving for favors received. The candles available to schedule are the Sanctuary Candle and the Book of the Gospel Candle. Candle intentions will be listed in the weekly bulletin. The donation for this is $10 per intention.

Just a little information why these candles are present in church is the Sanctuary Candle burns to remind us of the true Presence of Jesus within the tabernacle and the Book of the Gospel candle is burning to remind us that the inspired Word of God is present in the Scriptures.

For the Candle Request contact the office 724-437-4441

For the Candle Memorial Calendar for 2024 click here