Sanctuary Candle
The Sanctuary Candle can be requested for a loved one or for a special intention. The candle burns for two weeks and the stipend is $25.00.
For the Sanctuary Lamp Request contact the office
Memorial Candles
The Candle Requests offer parishioners to have a candle burning for the week in memory of a loved one. In addition, it can be for a special intention or in thanksgiving for favors received. The candles will be in a special container and burning near the statues of The Blessed Mother, Saint Joseph, the Book of the Gosepl, and the Sacred Heart. Candles burn Saturday trough Friday and intentions are listed in the weekly bulletin. The offering is $10 per intention.
For the Candle Request contact the office – 724-437-4441
For the Candle Memorial Calendar for 2024 click here.